At Klinikum Landkreis Erding, a new life begins more than 600 times a year; every single time, a child’s birth is a special experience for all involved. Enabling parents to have an influence on and enjoy this experience is a top priority of the Obstetrics Department.
The expectant mother has the greatest possible freedom to determine the course of the delivery. Patients have a multitude of options at their disposal, ranging from pain therapy by means of either epidural anaesthesia, acupuncture or homeopathy, attendance by a midwife of choice and selection of the delivery method – e.g. caesarean section, where the father is also very welcome to stay in the operating theatre, or water birth – to the selection of music in the delivery room.
As soon as the delivery is about to begin, the expectant mother is admitted to the hospital by a midwife, followed by examinations to check the well-being of the mother and the baby – for example, gynaecological examination, CTG examination, ultrasound examination and blood sampling. The delivery itself is monitored by telemetry, i.e. the expectant mother is not confined to bed, but is allowed to move freely within the hospital as long as she can.
Following delivery, the newborn is examined by the paediatrician or the midwife. The mother and the baby stay in the delivery room for about two additional hours before they are transferred to the ward. The close collaboration with the St. Marien Paediatric Hospital in Landshut ensures that newborns also receive the best possible medical care in the event that any problems arise.
The first things to catch your eye on the ward are the vivid wall painting, a spacious common room and a nursing room, which not only offers mothers a place of refuge, but also creates an inviting atmosphere. The aim is to make mothers and babies feel comfortable – the staff members of the hospital endeavour to convey a sense of joy and confidence in interacting with newborns to help mothers and fathers enjoy their new roles as parents.
The rooming-in concept permits mothers to have their babies with them from the very beginning, which promotes intimacy and a close relationship. If desired, family rooms are also available for fathers and siblings to stay overnight. The breakfast buffet, which was introduced in late 2010, is another building block of the concept designed to offer mothers a pleasant stay and to enable them to have a relaxed start into motherhood. A major advantage for patients is that they do not need to decide in the evening what they would like to have for breakfast on the next day, but can make their choice in the morning. However, there are other aspects which are even more important: Having breakfast together helps to promote exchange and interaction between the patients. Furthermore, it makes it possible for women who have recently given birth to have breakfast together with their partners and children and start their day more flexibly. It is also no problem if a patient prefers to stay in bed: In this case, the nursing assistants, who are also in charge of the buffet, prepare the breakfast and serve it at the bedside.
Despite this all-inclusive service package, medical care remains the top priority: Experienced paediatric nurses and specially trained lactation consultants take care of the mother and the baby, are the points of contact for questions and problems and provide guidance and support. Moreover, patients on the ward are also attended to by their midwives, enabling a seamless transition to home care. Best possible medical care of the new little human beings is also guaranteed: Alongside the initial examination, the second routine check-up examination, referred to as U2, which comprises metabolic and auditory testing as well as pelvic sonography, is also performed at the hospital by registered paediatricians and orthopaedists. As a result, the mother need not go to a paediatrician in the first few days after leaving the hospital, but can devote her full attention to the baby.