Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder surgery is another special discipline of the department. Diseases of the shoulder joint are usually treated by means of arthroscopic surgery. Injuries as well as damage caused to the shoulder joint by wear and excessive stress can be treated while preserving soft tissue to the greatest possible extent.
For example, existing restrictions in the shoulder joint (impingement syndrome) or shoulder dislocations and cracks in the epicranial aponeurosis of the humeral head, referred to as rotator cuff, are treated surgically. Inflammatory changes beneath the acromion and worn acromioclavicular joints, which are the most common causes of the development of such cracks, are remedied within the same procedure. In the event of pronounced arthrosis of the shoulder joint, various replacement techniques ranging from condyle replacement to what is referred to as “reverse shoulder replacement” are applied in as dictated by the extent of damage.
Patients are provided with competent advice and treatment by specialized trauma surgeons and orthopedists; the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures comply with the latest medical standards. Post-operative treatment is carried out in close collaboration between registered physicians and the physical therapists involved, making it possible to provide patients with high-quality all-inclusive medical care.