Patient Care in the Stroke Unit:
“More than 6000 patients suffering from stroke are treated in the 15 hospitals of the TEMPiS-network every year. Physicians in the regional hospitals are able to contact the stroke centres in Munich-Harlaching or at the University of Regensburg 24 hours a day.
Stroke experts are contacted while the patient is still in the emergency department. The expert, using the 2-way video conference, can take a look at the patient, talk to the patient directly and examine the patient with the help of the local physician. Within minutes the expert can now decide whether or not a thrombolysis therapy is indicated. Due to the TEMPiS-network, patients in rural areas can now receive a highly specialized stroke treatment that used to be the privilege of patients living in larger cities with stroke centres.
The TEMPiS-network not only provides telemedical advice. It also assists the regional hospitals in establishing specialized stroke wards and it offers regular education programs for the staff – nurses, therapists, doctors.”
The newly established Stroke Unit collaborates with TEMPiS in the treatment of all patients with a suspected cardiovascular accident from the time of admission until discharge into rehabilitation in accordance with the latest guidelines and standards.
Patients are supported in their capabilities as early as possible and receive close neurological monitoring.
The regional Stroke Unit of Klinikum Landkreis Erding, comprising three monitoring beds and six transitional care beds, has been part of the TEMPiS network since 1 July 2013, with telemedical support being provided to the Erding hospital by Klinikum Harlaching around the clock.