Overview of services offered in Anaesthesiology
The Anaesthesiology Department of Klinikum Landkreis Erding employs the full range of advanced anaesthetic techniques. These include general anaesthesia (narcosis), which is essentially based on the combined, continuous administration of an anaesthetic (narcotic) and a strong analgesic. The anaesthetic is administered via either intravenous infusion or inhalation in the form of “total intravenous anaesthesia” or as “balanced anaesthesia”.
As an alternative, there are regional anaesthetic techniques applied to the body’s periphery (peripheral nerve blockage) on arms or legs or epidural techniques (spinal anaesthesia, epidural anaesthesia), where the pain is eliminated in the whole body (thorax, abdomen, pelvis/leg). During certain extensive surgeries, general and regional anaesthetic techniques are applied simultaneously (in combination).
Within the scope of the pre-anaesthetic consultation, the anaesthetist and the patient discuss the most favourable anaesthetic technique before the surgery. The vital functions of every patient are continously displayed via monitors throughout the entire surgery (e.g. ECG, blood pressure, oxygen saturation in the blood, composition of respiratory gases, temperature, ventilation parameters, excretions) and are evaluated and documented by the team of anaesthetists, who take care of the patient throughout the entire surgery/anaesthesia period. Following surgery under anaesthesia, patients are continuely to be monitored in the central recovery room until they can be transferred to the ward for further treatment without any risk.
Range of services
- Pre-Assessment Clinic (pre-anaesthetic consultation)
- Individual selection of appropriate anaesthetic technique
- Appropriate monitoring precisely adapted to the individual patient
- Application of low-risk anaesthetic technique that is appropriate to the patient and the type of surgery
- Mechanical autotransfusion (use of cell saver)
- Regional anaesthetic techniques, in particular for pain relief in the delivery room as well as for long-term pain elimination after surgery
- postoperative pain management
- Timely administration of blood and blood products
Pre-Assessment Clinic (pre-anaesthetic consultation)
At the Pre-Assessment Clinic, all mobile patients at the hospital (inpatient, outpatient, pre-inpatient) who require anaesthesia as part of as surgery are prepared for the surgery/anaesthesia by an experienced anaesthetist in a personal consultation on the day before the surgery at the latest. During this consultation, the case history is documented, the patient is examined, any existing previous clinical findings are evaluated, any missing examinations will be arranged and the patient is informed about the most appropriate anaesthetic technique and the associated risks. All questions of the patient will be answered. At the end of the pre-anaesthetic consultation, the patient gives his/her written consent to the planned anaesthetic technique. Emergency cases and all immobile patients are visited by the anaesthetist intheir ward to perform the pre-anaesthetic consultation.
Blood Bank and Blood Group Serological Laboratory
The central blood bank continuously keeps units of stored blood of various blood groups ready. This is also where emergency medication is stored, which is produced out of human blood (coagulation factors, immunoglobulins) and used in special situations, often under emergency conditions and with high urgency in the operating theatre or in the Intensive Care Unit.
Pain management
Postoperative pain management is administered to the individual patient's needs and in compliance with defined standards of care. Usually PCA (patient controlled anaesthesia), i.e. an infusion pump (infusor) is used, but in special cases continues regional anaesthetic techniques are more desired.