Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal surgery to treat herniated disc and/or spinal stenosis
Endoscopic disc surgery
Minimally invasive, percutaneous disc surgery of the cervical spine
Spine stabilisation using spondylodesis, kyphoplasty, vertebral body replacement
Artificial disc replacement
Pain catheter implantation
Percutaneous nucleotomy (herniated disc – removal) in the cervical spine
Endoscopic disc surgery
Microscopic decompression in the lumbar spine to treat spinal stenosis
Spinal arthroplasty (replacement) in the cervical spine
Treatment of all degenerative diseases of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine – in particular, minimally invasive microscopic techniques incl. arthroplasty (replacement surgery) and fusion surgery
Treatment of all disc-related diseases – in particular, percutaneous endoscopic techniques in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
Posttraumatic alignment disorders of the spinal column – in particular, minimally invasive procedures including thoracoscopic endoscopic techniques kyphoplasty and corporectomy